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Over 100 hours of free video classes about psychic protection, personal empowerment, and developing your spiritual gifts. Click here to visit the Psychic Protection Sanctuary YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe and click the bell to get notified when new videos drop!
Listen to some of my free guided meditations, energy-balancing sessions, and teachings on SoundCloud. Go to the SoundCloud website HERE to find my profile.
Free group support and information about psychic protection and spiritual warfare in the 'Psychic Protection Sanctuary' Facebook group.
To join the Facebook group, please note that you must thoughtfully answer the three required questions that pop up before you will be granted entry to the group. This is to ensure that we keep a sacred, safe space with only members who truly want to be there.
Click here to purchase my books on Amazon.
The Psychic Attack Sourcebook: Understanding and Surviving the Unimaginable
Darkness Disguised as Light: The Hidden Truth About Psychic Protection and the Illusion Matrix
Click here for information on how you can work with me.
My free content is meant to be introductory. If you'd like to go WAY deeper than we go in my free material, you'll want to check out my paid program--the 12-month online Spiritual Empowerment Academy. We dive into developing your spiritual gifts through psychic development, energy balancing, shamanic healing, psychic protection exercises, and so much more.
1.) Are You Under Psychic Attack? QUIZ
2.) Audio-Recorded Energy Clearing Session with Maya: Break Through Your Energy Blocks