Maya\'s Oasis
7115 Outlook Street Overland Park, KS 66204
Phone: 785-979-4681
From a distance, many spiritual events seem like they would be lovely, safe, inspiring, healing experiences. …
From a distance, many spiritual events seem like they would be lovely, safe, inspiring, healing experiences. …

9 Red Flags of False Spiritual Teachers

By: Maya Zahira | Tags: false spiritual teachers, abusive spiritual teachers, Toxic Spirituality

 Hello, truth-seekers,

Would you be able to identify a false spiritual teacher if you encountered one? Do you know the red flags to watch for? Without this vital knowledge, you could find yourself sucked into a very toxic situation with someone you thought you could trust.

In this video, I share 9 of the most common red flags present in false spiritual teachers, healers, and gurus.


Learning the red flags is the most effective way to avoid getting sucked into the vortex of a false spiritual teacher.

Knowledge is power.


  • Poor personal and professional boundaries.....
  • Shunning/shaming independent thinking and boundary setting....
  • Verbal abuse, manipulation, gaslighting....


These are just a few red flags.  Watch the video below to dive deep into this topic.


For assistance in disengaging and healing from an abusive spiritual teacher, please click here for information on scheduling a private session. 


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