Maya\'s Oasis
7115 Outlook Street Overland Park, KS 66204
Phone: 785-979-4681
From a distance, many spiritual events seem like they would be lovely, safe, inspiring, healing experiences. …
From a distance, many spiritual events seem like they would be lovely, safe, inspiring, healing experiences. …

FREE 7 Day Psychic Skills Challenge with Maya--Access Now

By: Maya Zahira | Tags: intuition, psychic reading, psychic development


Hello, dear friends!  I have a wonderful surprise for you!

The other morning when I was still in bed only half awake, I received a message from my angels.

I was shown that I was supposed to create a series of short free video classes for you all.  By the time I got out of bed, I already knew I would be working on creating the 7-Day Psychic Skills Challenge.  

The videos are all under ten minutes each, allowing you to participate even if you have a busy schedule.  Plus, there's a wonderful, audio-recorded guided meditation at the end. 


Scroll down to access all the videos and the bonus guided meditation!


Do you want the ability to...

Make better decisions in your life so you can reduce stress and drama?

Know whether you can trust someone so you can avoid problems from the outset?

Understand the feelings and intentions of others so you can have healthier relationships?

Make better money choices so your finances can be more stable?

Have clearer discernment about your wellness needs so you can improve your health?


All of these are practical reasons why developing your intuitive skills can enhance your everyday life in big ways! 


Be sure to go to the Psychic Protection Sanctuary YouTube channel and click on the Subscribe button to stay up to date on all future vidoes and free online classes. 


Video 1--Is there a difference between intuition and psychic abilities?


Video 2--Why should you develop your psychic skills?


Video 3--Releasing Blocks to Intuition


Video 4--The 6 Clairs


Video 5--Dreams, Mediumship, and Premonitions


Video 6--Divination Tools


Video 7--Next Steps



Enjoy this absolutely divine audio-recorded guided meditation to assist you in grounding, centering, and releasing any blocks to your intuition.  


Ready for more?

Develop your intuition and so much more in Maya's 12-month online Spiritual Empowerment Academy.  Click here for details.  



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Why I Teach Psychic Protection: 2020 Update