Maya\'s Oasis
7115 Outlook Street Overland Park, KS 66204
Phone: 785-979-4681
From a distance, many spiritual events seem like they would be lovely, safe, inspiring, healing experiences. …
From a distance, many spiritual events seem like they would be lovely, safe, inspiring, healing experiences. …

Maya's Blog

Sage vs. Frankincense: Which Works Better?

  In 2016, when I was going through the psychic attack that catapulted me into my current level of spiritual work, I discovered the hard way that sage does not work as well as the popular New Age teachings say it does.

8 Things Commonly Used for Smudging

Hello everyone! This week's topic is smudging--the ancient practice of using plants and herbs to ward off evil spirits and clear the energy in a particular place. In today's world we call it energy clearing, to create a sacred space.  How Did Smudging Get Started? Native Americans believed that by burning sage and other plants, it would ward off evil spirits…

10 Ways to Ground and Why It's Important

  Hi everyone! How often do you feel like everything is just off-kilter? Rarely...once in a while....almost every day?  This instability can lead to disconnect from your true path, and your soul's desires. It is so easy to fall into the daily routine of living realistically to maintain a stable lifestyle. But this compromise can leave you on unconsciously rather than designing your…

What Is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is a broad term used to describe many specific styles of holistic healing, including Reiki, angel healing, chakra balancing, aura clearing, aromatherapy, vibrational sound healing, and more, all of which are techniques that Maya uses during her sessions. Energy…

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2.) Audio-Recorded Energy Clearing Session with Maya: Break Through Your Energy Blocks


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Why I Teach Psychic Protection: 2020 Update